Mortifera Violacea Uneeca

Mortifera Violacea Uneeca

Drawn by uneekL4evr for the Invent A Plant challenge.


Mortifera Violacea Uneeca (Widow's Remedy) can only be found in the Amethyst Rain Forest in purpleville. It's a plant that produces the most wonderfully vibrant violet dye. That dye however is extremely toxic. Any contact with even the smallest amounts of the dye and death is certain. Victims suffer agonizing pain for 10 - 20 mins as their bodies dissolve from the inside out. There is no antidote. How it got its common name? Legend has it that widows used to break a stem off and mark themselves with the dye if their partner died in disgrace. It was believed to atone the sins of the dead. The more marks they were able to make on their selves before they were incapacitated increased the chance of their partners being forgiven in the afterlife. Thanks Rifflez for your help!

© 2016 uneekL4evr. Licensed under CC-BY.

Branch Tree Twig Flower Cut flowers Blossom Natural material

Ms Parkinson's favourite plant? —  Mouldy Sponge
wow the description is awesome... and very painful for those poor widows! —  Riff
@Mouldy Sponge how did you know? lol —  uneekL4evr
@Riffschievous thanks. you know what they say, atonement is pain..something like that lol —  uneekL4evr
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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