Operation give her some hair

Operation give her some hair

Drawn by Yobonbon.


xD I don't know exactly what hairstyle to give her....I guess I could've posted this as a challenge but lol ^u^ if you would be kind enough, please give this young lady a new hair do? Have a good day folks! =D

© 2014 Yobonbon. Licensed under CC-BY.

BON! HI <33333333333333333333333333 —  Beck
German checkers!!! How are you? <3 —  Yobonbon
IM GOOD!! YOU? I MISSED YOU SO MUCH ;-; Happy late newyear<3. I found you on this site and i all fangirled and stuff xD. MWHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII *huggle* —  Beck
http://sta.sh/02dy8wyapgbg i made her some hear!!! Sorry, cant upload here. i really suck at drawing on this site, i much prefer my old classy paint XD. So I put it on my stash, hope you like it :3 —  Beck
I'm alright! I miss you too!! Happy new year lol *hugs* aweee I LOVE IT!!! =D What's new with u chicky? —  Yobonbon
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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