

Drawn by Zakeena and inspired by Conspiracy theories. Part of the album Fun and RAmble.


Computer broke down. it's all mouldy's fault. gotta find someone to blame! yeah and touchpad drawing in not my cue.

© 2014 Zakeena. Licensed under CC-BY.

Yes, my fault. Everything. Always. —  Mouldy Sponge
@Mouldy Sponge stop stealing credits for everything! —  Riff
fffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu I now broke the computer >:D —  Papachan
@Papachan how dare you? ... I shall have the ninjas to come and kick your bum ! —  Zakeena
@Mouldy Sponge ninjas will deal with you too. —  Zakeena
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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