Flying Without Wings

Flying Without Wings

Drawn by Aya Mulder. Part of the album People.


Old drawing,, I've just remembered I didn't post it xD

© 2013 Aya Mulder. Licensed under CC-BY.

Aww i like it so cute —  nightstar
@SilentButterfly Ah I'll click create video then ^^ @nightstar Thank you :D —  Aya Mulder
@SilentButterfly you can see it now ^^ —  Aya Mulder
:)) Your cosplay costume :)) —  Sonny Mulder
@Aya Mulder Thank you so much! that was awesome. I learned a lot! —  Unbreakable Wings
"Good judgement seeks balance and progress. Lack of it eventually finds imbalance and frustration."
President Eisenhower
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