it doesn't really look like a boar does it? kinda a rabbit, bear boar.
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Liar, Nikko, Ichiban Yada, Luna Sea, Papachan, uneekL4evr, Gibbermagash, ChewbaQ, آدم, Mouldy Sponge, Zakeena, xLitchi, OfC, Ray Mortamour, Jakub, and Agent-Bunny-Boy.
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imagine slaying that beast, and at the same time being mute and have a very short memory. the best thing you could do to remember this remarkable achievment would be to draw it as quickly as possible after the slay had taken place. you would always have to carry paper and pen with you.
@Liar uhh yes, Sounds about right to me
if you'd not draw it quick enough, you would forget why a slain beast is lying beside you. fear kicks in, but you can't scream because you are mute. a mute panic attack
@Liar yes go on.
that was the end of the story. it ends in fear. i am Liar, thanks all for coming *drops the mic*
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