Battle vs The Colossus

Battle vs The Colossus

Drawn by thewalkingdude for the Finish the drawing! challenge.


The little guy is called Wander. The big one is Dormin. There should be a horse too, but I can't draw a horse...

© 2014 thewalkingdude. Licensed under CC-BY.

Shadow Light Demon Sword

rip Agro :/ —  Crevasse
@Crevasse Nooo not RIP Agro! He survived!!! I'm just not skilled enough to draw him :/ —  thewalkingdude
so great T_T —  Riff
as Greek i alot know about Argonauts and about Colossus too he some another look likes but anyway very nice even i again should say he not so evil scary —  Vomika
its about eyes and maybe legs —  Vomika
"For all our failings, despite our limitations and fallibilities, we humans are capable of greatness."
Carl Sagan
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