Some kind of capricorn octopus, I guess, right?
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Nikko, Liar, Kube, magicalhobo, Lunar Eclipse, Erythrocyte ., Luna Sea, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lazarus, Jakub, uneekL4evr, Mouldy Sponge, soni ♪♫, Joe HF, Ichiban Yada, Zakeena, Ruth Lesslie, Aya Mulder, xLitchi, ~moneywithptc~, and Zippy the Wonderslug.
for some unknown reason i think of otto dix
Octopussy! \o/
Erythrocyte .
@Riff Spliff Didn't know who that was but googled and I can see sort of what you mean. Some of the humans in his potraits look like they could be from another world
and sometimes he makes very angular faces/body, as you're used to draw.
very q t <3
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