I posted it anyway. thought it'be funny. I was muted for showing poop. DO NOT SHOW YOUR POOP, KIDS, IT's BAAAAAAAAAAD! (herpes is better xD) :p
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Ray Mortamour, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Zippy the Wonderslug, MR, sweetrox, Buriburi, xLitchi, ch1ris23, Luna Sea, Krissie, magicalhobo, uneekL4evr, Papachan, Lazarus, and Nikko.
Good advice, but I muted everybody who was using the feature to stop trollpocalypse. I know you had the noble intention of trolling trolls.
@magicalhobo, yeah I know that now dear Sir king of the magicness of mutation (that is some title), I didn't know then. I shall gladly continue to troll trolls in a soft way without using bad pictures *deep sigh and bows like a knight* :D
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