This is actually the first drawing I made on sketchport haha :) Started it a few weeks back and worked on it for a couple of days, but it's too blurry and just looks out of focus, and I couldn't make the right background so I just decided to submit it already... Any ideas for a background?
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Gildor Elendil, thewalkingdude, Ruth Lesslie, RP, Liar, Silenhalle, Papachan, Helen, Vomika, Cami Brown, Yobonbon, marilyn :)), Mouldy Sponge, Lunar Eclipse, Rebeccajj, Kassy, LittleFawn, Hababoon, -----, ditzything ., Crevasse, Paige, Unbreakable Wings, Chihihihiro, Luna Sea, magicalhobo, Aya Mulder, kuroneko, Nicolas Alex., xLitchi, Jini, Joe HF, Erythrocyte ., and Nikko.
Love it :D
Thanks! :3
Great job!
Unbreakable Wings
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