Time is a water that can't be contained, many have tried and they all died in vain.
All one can do is take what they can, for the river of time waits for no man.
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Papachan, Zippy the Wonderslug, Ana, Voivodian, Joe HF, xLitchi, Zakeena, Erythrocyte ., Luna Sea, Agent-Bunny-Boy, uneekL4evr, Mouldy Sponge, Lazarus, Ray Mortamour, Liar, Kube, and Nikko.
Luna Sea
so profound. you need to sleep sometimes. ;)
@Luna Sea @Zakeena Aw thanks guy, I was kinda high Dx <3
@Hababoon high might be goos sumetimes. I should try. :/
Nice. And it rhymed too! :D
Zippy the Wonderslug
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