I was recently out of town for a few days with little to no internet access. some things that happened include: I got a haircut, I gave a 6 year old a piggyback ride and nearly broke my legs and I stole my little cousin's candy
Sky Haze Atmospheric phenomenon Cloud Weather Dawn Mist Mountain Lens flare Morning
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Agent-Bunny-Boy, Liar, uneekL4evr, Nikko, Morbid Mumbles, Lazarus, Ichiban Yada, Gibbermagash, Kube, magicalhobo, Shadow, Riff, soni ♪♫, Erythrocyte ., Zippy the Wonderslug, ~moneywithptc~, Luna Sea, and drawcula.
... "In that order." :p
Well, welcome back ya dawg sil! :3
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