Ukrainian lang : Драконячі яйця ростуть довго... by Dima T. (Kiev)
Translate : Dragon eggs growing up long
Explain ; its dragon egg and it growing up, almost finished , those black circles around : small and big its also eggs but they not yet finished growing up or they are small coz they on biggest dictance from each other...
Just connected in my mind two serials Merlin and StarGate , both i very like and watched on Ukrainian lang , the most melody lang in world after Italian , Ukranian lang its lang of thousands petals of pretties roses from thousand worlds. I VERY LOVE UKR LANG, everyday i type, write and reading anything on this wonderful lang. And thats real big happy that almost all our ppl very good know two langs and Russian and Ukranian , both they are Great. So many films on russian lang from USSR times so many about friendship between kids and teens of those oldest times. We cool ppl thats really so , i super glad to be UKRAINIAN :D and live in KIEV!!!