i spoiled it in the very beginning.. had to scribble scribble scribble till the end.. but finally i gave up.. so yea.. sorry >.<
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xLitchi, Papachan, Vomika, Luna Sea, lovehamburgers, marilyn :)), Primmie, Miss Apple, Cami Brown, Zippy the Wonderslug, Kevin, Alyssa Isbell, Wildman, Jini, Aya Mulder, Ashtray, Krissie, Chris, Lunar Eclipse, Rebeccajj, LittleFawn, Ana, magicalhobo, and Joe HF.
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lol she has two corneas
Yay yay yay
Aya Mulder
Yay glad to see you here Prathik! Great draw
@Prathik John flattered
@Azzah B.A yea i do, 3 months (or so) old
@ch1ris23 Two?
@Aya Mulder YAY YAY YAY!!!
@Jini Thank yoooooooou! ^^
@Ana owe it all to you
Prathik John
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