Stupid drawing. I got the idea when I got stuck doing work from office. That time I thought "every problem has a way out, it's only about timing" xD
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Zakeena, xLitchi, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ray Mortamour, sweetrox, meek, thewalkingdude, Rebeccajj, Cami Brown, Zippy the Wonderslug, Lunar Eclipse, Sonny Mulder, -----, Ashtray, Primmie, Jini, Ana, magicalhobo, Miss Apple, Joe HF, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
Haha, I like how it kind of looks like the moon.
@magicalhobo does it?xD it looks like inside one of lunar pipes joe said xD
Aya Mulder
It could also be very thick air the viewer is looking up through…
You create a good illusion of space there Aya :) I really like your shading and how it gets brighter farther away :D
What is a ›lunar pipe‹?
Lunar Eclipse
Thank u @Lunar Eclipse:D You taught me a lot about perspective <3 I'm still practicing from what you taught me before. Oh he meant your DMT pipe drawing
Aya Mulder
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