Used my right hand. I was going to see whether I can use my right hand when my left hand get tired, but meh -.- I wasn't patient enough xD
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xLitchi, Zakeena, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Ray Mortamour, Sonny Mulder, Enigma, Cami Brown, Zippy the Wonderslug, Keemo Nolen, magicalhobo, Rebeccajj, Primmie, LittleFawn, Ashtray, Lunar Eclipse, ch1ris23, Joe HF, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
You're a lefty? I didn't know that~ =w=
Very nice! You're good at getting the right colors for the clouds... I can never do it. :(
I thought u knew it.. So u didn't spy me properly,@Primmie >>>w>>>
Aya Mulder
I thought it's bad one, @magicalhobo -san >< My right hand's fingers are not as fast as the left one.. You can you can :D It's only my habit that helps me. I often looking at the sky for long time with my dog, then fall asleep xD
Aya Mulder
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