Thanks to Magicalhobo-san, after looking at his drawing, suddenly wanted to draw landscape too. I saw the original version of my drawing somewhere in internet before, then I tried to draw without looking at reference, because I'm lazy to search it again. Seems like my memory is bad -_- It doesn't look like original one, maybe.
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xLitchi, Zakeena, Agent-Bunny-Boy, Lazarus, Ray Mortamour, lovehamburgers, Lee Tjung, Miss Apple, -----, Sonny Mulder, ch1ris23, Zippy the Wonderslug, Cami Brown, Wildman, LittleFawn, Keemo Nolen, thewalkingdude, Seraphiic, Primmie, Rebeccajj, magicalhobo, Lunar Eclipse, Ashtray, Joe HF, Krissie, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
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Not only the clouds came out good, also the mountains! With reference it might have looked more like the original, but a reference might also have hindered your mind at improving it (e. g. focussing on what proved worthy enough to remember).
Lunar Eclipse
Interesting point @Lunar Eclipse... I agree that painting from memory is a good exercise in figuring out what is worth remembering.
LOL for the title! I heard from our coworker you drew teletubbies xD It's cool, @Aya Mulder ! You always remember weird things but cool! おもしろい to see your progress
Sonny Mulder
makes me think of Haidi !
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