Attempt at the Hylian Crest

Attempt at the Hylian Crest

Drawn by Rebeccajj.


Not completely satisfied with how this turned out, but am tired of working on it. :P

© 2013 Rebeccajj. Licensed under CC-BY.

It's beautiful. I just bought the Hyrule Historia book, it has tons of awesome art from Zelda. —  magicalhobo
@Primmie @magicalhobo Thaaanks. :) Item fanfare is my ringtone, haha. —  Rebeccajj
Also, how is the book? :o I've been wanting to buy it! —  Rebeccajj
I have the Japanese version, but it's awesome. I wish it wasn't so expensive, but it's well made. —  magicalhobo
Aw, yeah. It is a little pricey. :( —  Rebeccajj
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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