The Doldrums

The Doldrums

Drawn by Chris.

© 2013 Chris. Licensed under CC-BY.

Thank you! :3 —  Chris
Great use of fill tool - combining impulsive(?) pen movement with shapes edged finely (and alpha/eraser), with the shapes forming bodies but not being their sides or borders. Having already enjoyed using filltool, your example inspires additional ways of usage. What I find very interesting is, that shading, overlap, hues and brightness create a good illusion of space, which is contrasted by quite high saturation overall. I think this is what makes a lot of the special atmosphere. —  Lunar Eclipse
Agree with @Lunar Eclipse with the borders and illusion of space. The contrasts are flowing between background and depth of objects in a energetic yet distinct way. You feel like you know what you are looking at yet can't place a finger on it. As @Jini says, it has dynamism. A second wowzah! —  Krissie
Awesome —  ch1ris23
Thanks guys! :D @Lunar Eclipse @Krissie This is pre-eraser as I drew this on a beta-sketchport. I love the flexibility that the fill-tool allows, you can start with something abstract and with shading begin the sculpt it into something apparent. The illusion of depth in the background was achieved by selecting the sky's color, and painting over the towers with a transparent brush. The energy/"dynamism" of the brush-strokes is done using my secret technique. ;) —  Chris
"As a professor of science, I assure you we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men."
Professor Farnsworth
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