I got the idea while I was playing DMT and drank lemon ice tea and 2 days ago, but I ran away playing swapples because the objects are something that I hate to (read: can't) draw. I was going to make an animation but my fingers can't cooperate to draw much object-.-
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Zakeena, Lazarus, Ray Mortamour, xLitchi, Ruth Lesslie, Primmie, Sonny Mulder, Zippy the Wonderslug, thewalkingdude, Seraphiic, Ashtray, Paige, Cami Brown, JJ JJ, Krissie, LittleFawn, magicalhobo, Lunar Eclipse, Joe HF, Papachan, and Mouldy Sponge.
FYI : Ice cube - Iceberg, lemon - titanic, ants - jack and rose :P
Aya Mulder
Tarzan imagination.
Sonny Mulder
how was you able to make the icebergs look like you can barely see them O.O
@Sonny Mulder Yes yes Tarzan woman:P
Aya Mulder
@Primmie Using alpha brush and blur brush, I thought u spied me when I was drawing it *spies* >>w>>
Aya Mulder
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