Mountain Goat

Mountain Goat

Drawn by Lunar Eclipse for the Silhouette Saturday challenge.

© 2013 Lunar Eclipse. Licensed under CC-BY.

Geometric Rectangular Goat Animal Silhouette Moon

das ist ein ziege? —  Lidi Del Caribe C...
@Lidi Del Caribe Choque Ja, eine Bergziege. —  Lunar Eclipse
When did your blocky/cube drawings start, Lunar? I like these drawings. :) —  Chris
@Chris Thank you! :) I'm not exactly sure when it started. I already drew 3d-perspectivic in elementary school and when I learned about vanishing points later, I liked using them much. But that time I used it for more realism, not for abstraction/conception. Also I played Lego a lot. All that surely had some effect on how synapses in my brain are connected now... —  Lunar Eclipse
I know I had cubified/squared things in DMT since 2 years (have screenshots from then). The idea of cubification/squaring is old and common (see new entry in inspiration section), not sure when was first contact, not of much relevance anyways. But what is sure: It developped during playing DMT, because limited time and means force simplification/abstraction - also while playing I became more interested in art and came in touch with cubism when proofreading texts for a student of art history. —  Lunar Eclipse
"You can't give up hope just because it is hopeless! You gotta hope even more, and cover your ears, and go: "Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!""
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