I remember you saying that you like looking for a certain thing when you go scubbadivinig...Hope i got the right one. Thank for the talk Nee-channnn <3
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Vomika, Mouldy Sponge, Zippy the Wonderslug, Cami Brown, -----, Lunar Eclipse, Seraphiic, Joe HF, LittleFawn, JJ JJ, Aya Mulder, and magicalhobo.
This drawing reminds me of a soda I ordered from Japan on eBay: "Pepsi Salty Watermelon - The taste of summer".
<3 aw :D:D yay yay yay :D certain thing = nudibranch :P
Aya Mulder
@magicalhobo Whoah, sounds tasty... I think?
@Krissie It was... interesting. It's weird for a soda to be intentionally salty.
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