Serenity, atmospheric reentry

Serenity, atmospheric reentry

Drawn by Joe HF for the Movie Time challenge. Part of the album Space.


03-K64-Firefly class Mid-bulk transport "Serenity" entering atmosphere, beginning of the film Serenity.

Firefly by Joss Whedon. (license note)

© 2012 Joe HF. Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA.

Space Science Fiction Sci-Fi Firefly Serenity Planet Atmosphere

That was a cool movie :) Good work! —  Kassy
Hey Joe, this is Nail Gun. Glad to have you here. Nice drawing btw. :D —  Chris
Thanks :) —  Joe HF
"There are all kinds of interesting questions that come from a knowledge of science, which only adds to the excitement and mystery and awe of a flower."
Richard Feynman
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